Thursday, December 29, 2005

"How do I have iTunes rip CDs into MP3 format?"

ITunes converts songs into a proprietary AAC format when you import them from CD's. If you would like to keep them in an MP3 format, check out Ask Dave's artcle.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

SafariTest | Mac Screenshot Compatibility Test

Test your web site in Safari. It's not perfect: for one thing, you won't be able to preview things that require clicks like JavaScript or AJAX elements, and Flash and frame rendering are imperfect, but for it ought to save the Windows-only designer a bit of time anyhow.

"Produce MP3 files from a CD with Windows Media Player?"

How an I produce MP3 files from a CD with Windows Media Player?" from the Ask Dave Taylor! Tech Support Blog

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

GotVoice, Inc. - Advanced Technology for Voice Messaging

GotVoice, Inc. - Advanced Technology for Voice Messaging: "Get your home and cellular phone voicemail on the web or in your email inbox. Download, save, and organize your voicemail on your computer.

* Access your voicemail on the internet
* Easy to sign up
* Get all your messages in one place with one click
* GotVoice is FREE - No credit card required to register"

Pearl Crescent Page Saver

Pearl Crescent's Page Saver looks pretty interesting. It's only for Firefox 1.5 and above and uses the Canvas feature to capture either the visible portion of the page or the whole thing without your having to do so much touch your scrollbar. The only caveat is that at this point it isn't able to capture the output of plugins such as Flash.

I try not to download too many plugins for Firefox but I think I am going to try this one.

BBC NEWS | Technology | How much of a geek are you?

Most of you will pass this Geek Test from the BBC!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

"How do I add current weather to my website?"

"How do I add current weather to my website?" from the Ask Dave Taylor! Tech Support Blog

"Is Santa Claus real?"

"Is Santa Claus real?" from the Ask Dave Taylor! Tech Support Blog

"Produce MP3 files from a CD with Windows Media Player?"

"Produce MP3 files from a CD with Windows Media Player?" from the Ask Dave Taylor! Tech Support Blog

REUTERS Showcase

Reuters Pictures of the Year: 2005

Motion Design Center

Adobe has added a Motion Design Centerto its site, showcasing motion and interaction design using traditional Adobe products and some of the new software Adobe acquired from Macromedia. The best part of the site is the small collection of video tutorials. The current videos (excerpts from training movies) are intermediate/advanced level tutorials addressing various aspects of using Flash with Photoshop and After Effects.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Thursday, December 08, 2005

School District Web Site Policies

This seems to be a popular question in my classes and emails: What should be in a school district web site policy? Here are some links to ones online. If your district doesn't have one, they really should! If yours is old, maybe you need to revisit it. The final document should be given to your district lawyers for their final insight and approval. So, here are some samples to

These are just a few samples. There are many many more out there for your perusal. Once you settle on your own policy, the lawyers and the board have approved, make sure it's followed!

The Web Developer User Group meetings is another good forum to discuss what your distirict IS doing, HASN'T done yet, or is just learning about. Please feel free to post comments to this blog...