MHRIC Web Developer's User Group: The purpose of this group is to share relevant information geared toward school-district web developers in our four-county area. It is a forum for the discussion of general web development problems and solutions. Educational items of interest are also posted.
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Complete Guide to Mac/Windows Interoperability
Also check out our video podcasts on this subject from a workshop Apple presented at the MHRIC in October of 2007. Select the Podcast link from our homepage at
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Transfer Songs from Your iPod to Any Mac with Senuti
Copy songs from any iPod to your iTunes library. There are other iPod-to-computer tools available for Mac and Windows, like iPod -> Folder, but Senuti stands out for this list for its ability to tell you want music on an iPod is already in your library and which songs are not, making it easy to slurp new songs from a friend's iPod without introducing duplicates into your library.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Free Professional Development Videos
"Every member of Ontario Teachers Federation is invited to access in-depth professional development workshops from leading educational producers. There are hundreds of hours of Professional Development streaming video content available here. The programs will be available from early November 2007 to November 30th, 2008. There is no registration to access the materials at this time, although the registration process will be simple enough for any educator to access the content."
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Smart Notebook Hacks
Many district networks are locked down from installing free software or don’t include software that will generate a PDF for you. Sure you can use online PDF generators but when you install Smart Board software you have a PDF generator built in."
Friday, November 30, 2007
Increase in Teacher Resignations - New York Times
More teachers resigned during the last school year than at any time in recent history, according to figures released yesterday by the United Federation of Teachers, the city’s teachers union. According to the figures, 4,606 certified teachers resigned last year, not including teachers who retired or had problems with certification. The numbers have been steadily increasing since 2001, when 2,544 resigned; last year 4,273 teachers did so. Of the 7,069 teachers who were hired in 2006, nearly 14 percent resigned by the end of the year, the union said, up from about 11 percent the year before.
School officials unite in banning Wikipedia | Seattle Times Newspaper
"The Great Meadows (N.J.) Middle School librarian hasn't been a fan of the online encyclopedia for years. This fall, she decided it was time to make others at her school aware of the Web site's pitfalls."
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Randy Pausch on Oprah
Randy Pausch is a married father of three, a very popular professor at Carnegie Mellon University—and he is dying. He is suffering from pancreatic cancer, which he says has returned after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Doctors say he has only a few months to live.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Getting Ready for Leopard
Upgrading your Mac to the new Leopard? Here are some tips to help make it a seamless install.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Last Lecture
This was passed on to me by a team member:
"Professor Randy Pausch from Carnegie-Mellon University, he's an amazing man who has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. His "Last Lecture" which was given at CMU on September 18th has reportedly been downloaded by over one million people. He w
Friday, October 19, 2007
States Report Teacher Staph Infections
And a national report released this week indicates that staph infections killed more people in 2005 than HIV/AIDS, proving that it is more common than previously thought.
Kittens and Computers
An Apple computer is so simple, even a kitten can use it!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Blog Action Day
On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Blogger Play
Thursday, September 13, 2007
77 Resources
Some great stuff here and well worth looking at!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
View a clip of the late Carl Sagan narrating an animation of evolution. Pretty interesting stuff!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Dressing Teachers
Nashville’s 75,000 public school students must now adhere to a strict dress code. Collared shirts are mandatory; hoodies and jeans are no longer acceptable. But what about teachers? Nashville parent Rebecca Willocks thinks there’s a double standard. "I saw a teacher’s navel piercing last year and was surprised," she says. "Students can’t get away with that." Nashville’s school board doesn’t think teachers should either.
Tech Ed Left Behind
Vocation programs in New York public high schools have sharply decreased over the past decade due to a lack of funding and an NCLB-driven curriculum. In 1992, 41 percent of the state’s public high school students completed at least one vocational course, compared with 25 percent last year. “We started raising standards and adding more requirements, and something had to fall off the plate,” Buffalo Schools Superintendent James A. Williams told the Buffalo News.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Acer gobbles up Gateway | Crave : The gadget blog
"...hinting at yesterday's announcement that Taiwanese computer maker Acer has agreed to acquire Gateway, currently the No. 4-ranked PC vendor in the world."
Sunday, August 12, 2007
ButtonBuilder - Web Button creation for Mac OS X
This is a pretty cool application that allows you easily create attractive buttons for your website, has gone the way of open-source and is now free.
Sorry, PC folks!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Photojojo » Upload your Photo and Try a New Hairstyle or Grow a Mustache, Virtually
ViaTalk Free Connect
I haven't tried it...yet. I assume it's only for US calls.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
A quest for good image sites
Great blog article on finding free graphics and Creative Commons License information. Read the comments too as there is more information in that area.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Hotkeys To Boost Your Productivity
Lots of shortcut keys here for lots of programs...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
ViaTalk Free Connect
It says you can make phone calls up to 10 minutes for free. No registration required. I'll probably try it later today and see what happens. I am assuming it is for the US only.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Just came across this article and then checked out the site. Most of the chatrooms there are open to all. Just another site you might want to be aware of...
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Save your blog
If you have a blog (or blogs), this site offers free daily backups. Great for restoring, just in case...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Chalk The Movie
Two former teachers from Austin, Texas, have taken the concept of a fictional documentary, recently used to depict the idiosyncrasies of white-collar work in “The Office,” and adapted it for the classroom. “Chalk,” a mockumentary about discouraged educators, follows new teachers as they deal with classroom etiquette, cultural issues, and stereotypes, and delves into the reason why 50 percent of new teachers reportedly quit within their first few years.
It has gotten a lot of mixed reviews from funny and empathetic to demeaning to teachers.
You decide.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
7 Brilliant Free Fonts: Faceplate, Sling, Cicle | Smashing Magazine
Some very nice fonts (and free!) for you..
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Podcasts: Where's the Learning?
"Students develop literacy skills as they create podcasts. They become more engaged with their learning, or at least with the uniqueness of the technology itself. David Warlick provides evidence of learning at his Education Podcast Network. You will find topics in 21st century teaching and learning and subject-specific podcasts ranging from computer and information skills to dance, music, and visual arts education to mathematics, science, and second languages. There are also student and class podcasts categorized for elementary, middle, and secondary school. "
"Jim Moulton (2007) reported in his blog that seventh graders are creating "Words of Wisdom" podcasts for their school's morning announcements. They are "spending significant amounts of time reading, understanding, rereading, reflecting on, and ultimately recording the words of Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt, and others, along with a pithy moral. They are thinking about how to modulate and pace their voices, how to read in tune with the words so as to make their recording engaging and meaningful, entertaining and instructive, popular and purposeful" (para. 5)."
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Screen Saver!
People of the Middle Kingdon
People of the Middle Kingdom is a screen saver made with Derrick Chang's beautiful, positive, and thought provoking photography shot in China.
The Library Project donates books and libraries to underprivileged schools and orphanages in the developing world. We believe education is the key motivator to breaking the cycle of poverty that exists in the developing world. As we see it education is change.
It is available for both PC and Mac. They do ask that you donate 10 books to their Project. Not a bad price to help children's literacy in the world.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
New Releases
Found this site while trying to search for some mac tips. I want to put a folder on my dock that contains aliases to certain programs. Cool site since it reviews the software, freeware, and 'boughten" types.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
DV Info Net
78,000 Questions. 605,000 Answers; 25,000 Real People with Real Names
Monday, May 14, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Web Design Mistakes
Not sure if I agree with all his points but we all have different opinions and design strategies....thankfully!
10 Golden Lessons
Take your time. Read, and then re-read.
Cyberbullying Law in Ontario
Ontario introduced a new legislation Tuesday to add cyber-bullying to the list of offences for which a student can be suspended or expelled from school.
Premier Dalton McGuinty said "bullying is bullying..whether you do it online by way of the latest technology or you're doing it in person or over the old fashioned telephone, it still causes pain and suffering."
Denial of Degree
This should spark a lot of comments & conversation in all circles.
2 Cents Worth
What happens with a 21st century learning environment in Greene County, NC, and a Superintendent with a vision pair up...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Maintain Your Mac
I know Windows Maintenace but sure do need help with the Mac side. This site, from Apple, has some good quick tips.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Leopard Delayed (MAC OS)
I guess I have no choice but to wait now:
Apple today released the following statement: iPhone has already passed several of its required certification tests and is on schedule to ship in late June as planned. We can’t wait until customers get their hands (and fingers) on it and experience what a revolutionary and magical product it is. However, iPhone contains the most sophisticated software ever shipped on a mobile device, and finishing it on time has not come without a price—we had to borrow some key software engineering and QA resources from our Mac OS(R) X team, and as a result we will not be able to release Leopard at our Worldwide Developers Conference in early June as planned. While Leopard’s features will be complete by then, we cannot deliver the quality release that we and our customers expect from us. We now plan to show our developers a near final version of Leopard at the conference, give them a beta copy to take home so they can do their final testing, and ship Leopard in October. We think it will be well worth the wait. Life often presents tradeoffs, and in this case we’re sure we’ve made the right ones. NOTE: Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS, Macintosh and iPhone are trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Source: Apple Inc. Web site:
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Blog Code of Conduct
BBC NEWS | Technology | Weblogs 'need content warnings': "The code begins: 'We celebrate the blogosphere because it embraces frank and open conversation.'"
I like the idea of logos purposing the openness of each blog. this code is not censoring blog writings, just channeling their purpose and civility, similar to the Motion Picture Guides we are used to in the US.
Death threats and abuse should not be allowed and, to me, is really stretching freedom of the press.
Something to keep in touch with.. Tim's blog is here
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Mac Backups
Guess it's time for me to backup my new Macbook Pro so I found this article. Now to choose which program and method.
I have an external 250gb hard drive that I use to back up data and I had partitioned it. If anyone wants to know the results of which software I have selected, drop me a line...
Friday, March 30, 2007
BlogSafety Community
Interesting article from The BlogSafety site. I have read a few articles about the tv show "The Predators" and mot say the show is not reality and goes overboard.
I think I would rather exaggerate on this topic if it gets kids and parents to wake up to this danger. Hopefully, through education, kids are smartening up to this danger.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Macs Only
"Feed it your home page address (url) and Integrity will follow all of your internal links to find your pages, checking the server response code for all internal and external links found."
Yes, it's free!
Monday, March 26, 2007
SunriseBrowser for web designers
The SunriseBrowser is an open-source browser for web developers. For instance, the window can be automatically resized to 640 x 480 , 800 x 600, or 1024 x 768 with one button click. There are many other convenient and useful features like zoom levels, PDF export of the entire web page, etc. Lots more features as well.
Found on
Friday, March 23, 2007
Find your lost child
My daughter is 26 now. I probably would have done this though. That's just the way I am....
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Microsoft Suffers Latest Blow
U.S. Department of Transportation also banned Windows Vista within the agency.
US university dumps Windows to go all Mac
"Touted by Apple as one of the first colleges to mandate a campus-wide shift from Windows PCs to Macs, the school wasn't a bastion of all things Apple before the decision, said Scott Byers, vice president for finance and the head of campus IT. Macs, in fact, were a minority."
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
CSS Galleries
Want to learn CSS or find new ways of using it? Check out these galleries. One should suit your taste.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Get a Mac - More Fun with Photos
Just another reason to have a Mac...It's included....everything is included...I love my Mac....
Picasa Web Albums
Picasa Web Albums has just added more features:
"First, the free version of Picasa Web gets 1 GB of storage (up from 250 MB), enough to host 4000 high-quality photos. It's interesting that Google says "1 GB (and counting)" so the storage could increase like it does in Gmail.
Like in Flickr, you can also search the public photos posted by other people. Until today, you could search only your photos and the public photos uploaded by your contacts. Google wanted to be polite and ask you before including your public photos in the community search, so you must go to settings and enable this."
I guess I had better try this one out! You may need a Google account first
African Sunsets
Just some beautiful peaceful photos for your perusal...
The End of the jpg???
Now this could be very interesting..a new format called HD Photo from Microsoft....Time will tell...
Web Site Footers
Just like a word document, a footer is at the bottom of each page. Footers usually give information such as a copyright and contact information.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Mac Users: Don't Leave Windows Open!
If you are runninng Windows on your Mac, be careful. You are susceptible o all those Windows nasties...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
E-Learning For Free
Jane is now building an E-Learning for Free Information Service to create a one-stop place to access a variety of free resources not only to create different learning and performance solutions but to provide the best advice and best practice in doing so.
Check out her site withlinnks to lots of free tools, resources, content, and solutions.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Free Courses from iVillage
Free courses from iVillage. They don't require that you buy books or software. How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci sure looks intriguing.
Free is good. And these courses are very good.
OT: Self-Esteem Building
Feel better just by reading them! Now, pick just one and put it into practice. One a week would be great. Okay, how about one a month?
Monday, February 19, 2007
Color Formats Confuse You?
"Most Pantone colors are identified by a unique number, which is followed by a letter. The letter identifies what type of paper the Pantone color is optimized for, as colors – regardless of whether they are Pantone or CMYK — look different depending on the paper on which they are printed. In PMS, C stands for coated paper, U stands for uncoated paper, and M stands for matte paper."
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Free Telephone Calls
I use Skype and have attended a few educational conferences that were pretty good.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Podcast Directory
Looking for a public radio podcast? They sure list a lot of them here along with subscription directions and the RSS feeds. Great site and various topics from news to childrens' programs to classical music to more!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
There is a free version and it works very well. Edit your photos online. Works with many photo sharing sites. Check it out and let us know how you like it!
New American History Site
Utilizing digital and online technologies to teach different disciplines continues to be quite popular, and the Digital History website will be a most welcome find for teachers (and students) of American history. Developed in collaboration with the University of Houston, the Chicago Historical Society, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and several other entities the site includes an online American history textbook, an interactive timeline, a multimedia section, and a very rich selection of primary source materials.
Chat Lingo
Middle school teacher Julia Austin is noticing a new generation of errors creeping into her pupils’ essays. Sure, they still commit the classic blunders - like the commonly used "ain’t."
Friday, February 09, 2007
- We need to unlearn the idea that we are the sole content experts in the classroom, because we can now connect our kids to people who know far more than we do about the material we’re teaching.
- We need to unlearn the premise that we know more than our kids, because in many cases, they can now be our teachers as well.
- We need to unlearn the idea that learning itself is an event. In this day and age, it is a continual process.
- We need to unlearn the strategy that collaborative work inside the classroom is enough and understand that cooperating with students from around the globe can teach relevant and powerful negotiation and team-building skills.
- We need to unlearn the idea that every student needs to learn the same content when really what they need to learn is how to self-direct their own learning.
- We need to unlearn the notion that our students don’t need to see and understand how we ourselves learn.
- We need to unlearn our fear of putting ourselves and our students “out there” for we’ve proven we can do it in safe, relevant and effective ways.
- We need to unlearn the practice that teaches all students at the same pace. Is it any wonder why so many of our students love to play online games where they move forward at their own pace?
- We need to unlearn the idea that we can teach our students to be literate in this world by continually blocking and filtering access to the sites and experiences they need our help to navigate.
- We need to unlearn the premise that real change can happen just by rethinking what happens inside the school walls and understand that education is now a community undertaking on many different levels.
Priceless...Skype's possibilities. Celeste has leukemia and can't go to school. Thanks to an innovative teacher and some wonderful kids, Celeste was able to attend her 4th class via a webcam.
Too many fears of technology at our schools....this is what happens when kids are taught the correct way to use it.
Watch this video.
OER Commons
Sunday, February 04, 2007
All Videos....About Life, Wisdom, and Stuff...
"Here at VideoJug we're all about sharing wisdom, knowledge and know-how. More and more users are adding their films to the thousands we're making. Below are some we really like. Do you have a how-to film you'd like to submit? Perhaps you make a brilliant curry or have some unique magic tricks. Whatever your knowledge, we'd love to see it, so go ahead and upload your film today."
Some great stuff here...including how to make a great first impression at a job interview.
French Students Will Get USB Sticks
I think this is a great idea. I run Portable Apps on 2 of my flash drives. I can do word processing, run FireFox with my own bookmarks, do some photo editing, spreadsheet work, etc., without using any applications on the host computer. Free. No charge. All open source. Check out for more information.
Chat With Others on Web Sites - No Software Install
"Gabbly is a chat service that allows you to chat around any webpage. Its free to use on your personal page or commercial webpage. Simply type in front of a webpages URL, you will be able to chat with anyone visiting the page at the same time! For example, to chat on, just visit in your browser. You will see the CNN website with the Gabbly Chat window floating on top."
Search with HUMAN Guide
Found thanks to Marcus P. Zillman
Geni is a unique approach to solving the problem of genealogy, which is the question of how everyone is related. Geni lets you create a family tree through our fun simple interface. When you add a relative's email address, he or she will be invited to join your tree. That relative can then add other relatives, and so on. Your tree will continue to grow as relatives invite other relatives. Each family member has a profile which can be viewed by clicking their name in the tree. This helps family members learn more about each other and stay in touch. Family members can also share information and work together to build profiles for common ancestors. Geni is a private network. Only the people in your tree can see your tree and your profile. Geni will not share your personal information with third parties.
Keep Our Children Safe
WiredSafety - the world's largest Internet safety and help group
These sites also have links to other sites with lots of information and hotlines. They are designed not just for educators, but also for parents, grandparents, and children of all ages.
Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us
It only takes 4 minutes and 31 seconds to watch this. It really is well worth your time...
Friday, February 02, 2007
Free Audio Extractor - PC only
AoA Audio Extractor provides you a handy tool to extract audio/sound or background music from video files. Yes, it's a freebie.
This could come in handy. Now, if it could only make those audio files into text files!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Dancing Faculty!
What a faculty this is! Great dancers and what great sports, Wow!!! If this is how they approach dancing and having fun, I can imagine what great teachers they all are.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Eyesight for the Mac
Capture pictures periodically from 10 seconds to 999 days nusing your builit in ISight camera. Sorry PC users!
Friday, January 26, 2007
No More Stealing My Bandwidth!
If you don't want people hotlinking to your photos, graphics, and ther images, read this easy solution. They are stealing your bandwidth! You must be the site's owner and have access to the .htaccess file.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
GetHuman Database
Not sure if these tips really work but one never knows! Find a human at a faceless company! Hate listening to all those prompts to press this number then this number? Maybe this is the solution!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Partitioning a Hard Drive
Last Friday, I figured I would take the hd home and copy some things over to DVD. Yes, I dropped it. 250gb hd is now broken...
Went back on eBay and bought myself another one. Partitioned it again so quickly using the Mac. I called Apple Support because I had forgotten which format to use. They answered within 5 minutes, took down my information, and gave me the answer very quickly.
I promise to be extra careful with this new 250gb hd...I hope...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
A "New" Search Engine: Ask goes Ajax!
The new search engine from Ask using the latest technologies and Ajax. Try it out..It is quite impressive!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Podcasting and Universities
See what the universities are doing with podcasting. They are finding it very helpful educationally. Some school districts are also beginning to use podcasting as a TOOL and not some dreaded new technology.
Open Source Software
They list lots of alternatives and seem to give decent advice about the software. Remember that most open source software has little tech help or support so you may be on your own! But, it might definitely be worth a look.
Are you a last minute shopper?
Gifts, vacations, restaurant reservations, tickets, activities....last minute ideas. Check it out!
Whacky Uses
So what CAN you really use Cheerios and Cool Whip for??
How does your school rate?
Very interesting site to check out how schools rate. Also has other information such as AP exam information for specific schools, monthly polls (January's is about schools banning cupcakes at class parties.)
Federal Resources
Try out the new FREE website. It has been redesigned for the first time since it was created in 1998 to make finding teaching resources from the federal government easier.
Historical Documents
Many original historical documents that have never been online are now available. A site worth checking out and passing along to your fellow teachers and students.
Why I Won't Drive On Ice
This happened in Portland, oregon this winter. Yes, I figured out how to add YouTube videos to the site. Hopefully you will be able to see them. If you can't, please let me know!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Dead Browser Links?
Deadlinks? This freebie works with most browsers and will help you find and delte dead bookmarks (History) in most browsers.
Pretty cool? Best feature?? It's FREE!!
Wallpaper Rocks!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
iPhone Copyright Infringment?
Cisco subsidiary Linksys has its own iPhone. But instead of signing a proposed contract submitted Monday night by Cisco, Apple made the iPhone announcement without a deal in place. Cisco's response: a 24-page trademark infringement lawsuit against Apple.
Quizpod - FREE!
Get out your ipods! Allows users to create class quizes, surveys or anything else on their Mac or PC then synchronise to an iPod. A user can then be 'quized’ on the actual iPod with results later being sync’d back to the computer.
- Creation of Quizes on both PC and Mac.
- QuizPod application for iPod using iPodLinux. Currently only supports generations 1- 4 of fullsize iPod.
- Support Bitmap image display on iPod in greyscale or full color.
- Allows sync’ing of Quiz results and quizes between iPod and computer.
- Provided a results magament tool to manage marks/ answers from quizes.
And it's FREE!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Some things parents need to know
Online Safety Tips for Parents - Education World
Linda McCarthy, author of Own Your Space: Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online, offers parents these 10 tips for keeping their kids safe online. Included: Provide a copy of our printable version to your students’ families.Thanks to Educational Technology for this post.

Don't forget about our April Web Developer User Group meeting. Anyone interested in the topics can register. Their district MUST be a member of our TSS or Office Automation Services. You will be able to register when the Spring MicroNews comes out about the end of March.
You can always check the web site,, for more information.
How do you like the new logo on the right?

We are also working on software tips in a podcast format. Eventually, vodcasting and trainings!
There is no limit to what we can do with the right technology, hardware, knowledge, manpower, and plain old hard work!
Color Scheme Chooser
Use this free tool to study the relationships between colors. You can actually use it to choose the color scheme of your own website. Be sure to read the help section for a better understanding.
Great site for figuring out colors for your site that really mesh.Flippid - Post What You Wan
Flippid matches people who want stuff, with people who have stuff. Name your price, and let people sell it to you. Are you looking for something? Post it on flippid for free and instantly tell people who have it that you want it. You even get to set your maximum price and let sellers compete for your business. Flippid lets you name your price for the stuff you're looking for. Sellers on flippid like it because it doesn't cost them a thing to see what buyers want. Sellers will even compete with each other just to sell to you!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Hack Attack
Before I got my first Mac, I was fortunate to have 2 people give me a lot of help learning about the OS. One is over at Dutchess BOCES and the other is at Orange-Ulster BOCES. The Apple rep was also an invaluable resource as was reading, reading, and reading on the internet.
There is so much information out there and the Mac also comes with fantastic help files. Ask your friends and colleagues. I bet you would be surprised at the number of people who know Mac's!
This site is a great help as well. Lots of quick info and how things relate to the PC.
Woodland Home
What a great looking place for a vacation home! Environmentally-sound, it is a Hobbit house!