Monday, April 28, 2008

Microsoft Live Mesh

Microsoft Live Mesh Tech Preview launches

Microsoft has launched a technical preview of its new Live Mesh service, which is basically combines remote desktop, online storage, and file synchronization services. Right now the service is available for Windows XP and Vista, but eventually support will be added for OS X, mobile phones, and other devices. And when we say "available," we mean Microsoft allowed 10,000 people to sign up for the first round of testing. All of those slots are full, but you can sign up for the waiting list.

So I signed up for the waiting list....


Debut could be one of the easiest to use video capture tools we've come across. You can use it to record videos or take screenshots from your webcam. You can use it to record screencasts. And you can save your files in a variety of formats including AVI, WMV, MP4, MPG, 3GP, and MOV. And best of all, Debut is free.

Here are just a few of Debut's features:
  • Record audio and video
  • Adjust resolution, framerate, and colors of the output video
  • Setup timed recordings by hour, minute, and second
  • Mirror recordings to a network or local hard drive
  • Automatically send videos via email once a recording is finished, or upload to an FTP site.
There are a ton of configuration options. In addition to recording your screen or from a webcam, you can record from any video input capture device on your computer. So if you've got a TV tuner, you can record live TV. If you want to record home movies , you can do that too.

Debut Video Capture Recording Software - Record Video Files for Free

Patent office deals a blow to Blackboard

In yet another twist to the often arcane but potentially far-reaching patent dispute between eLearning systems providers Blackboard Inc. and Desire2Learn Inc. (D2L), the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in late March took “non-final” action that deemed all of Blackboard’s 44 patents invalid.

Patent office deals a blow to Blackboard

New iPhone back in black?

New iPhone back in black? | Crave : The gadget blog

Rumors, rumors, rumors!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

OER Commons

OER Commons

OER Commons is the first comprehensive open learning network where teachers and professors (from pre-K to graduate school) can access their colleagues’ course materials, share their own, and collaborate on affecting today’s classrooms. It uses Web 2.0 features (tags, ratings, comments, reviews, and social networking) to create an online experience that engages educators in sharing their best teaching and learning practices.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Clifford Stoll: 18 minutes with an agile mind (video)

Clifford Stoll: 18 minutes with an agile mind (video): "Clifford Stoll could talk about the atmosphere of Jupiter. Or hunting KGB hackers. Or Klein bottles, computers in classrooms, the future. But he's not going to. Which is fine, because it would be criminal to confine a man with interests as multifarious as Stoll's to give a talk on any one topic. Instead, he simply captivates his audience with a wildly energetic sprinkling of anecdotes, observations, asides -- and even a science experiment. After all, by his own definition, he's a scientist: 'Once I do something, I want to do something else.'"

Do schools kill creativity? (video)

TED | Talks | Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? (video)
(20 minutes)

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining (and profoundly moving) case for creating an education system that nurtures creativity, rather than undermining it. With ample anecdotes and witty asides, Robinson points out the many ways our schools fail to recognize -- much less cultivate -- the talents of many brilliant people. "We are educating people out of their creativity," Robinson says. The universality of his message is evidenced by its rampant popularity online.

A typical review: "If you have not yet seen Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk, please stop whatever you're doing and watch it now."

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

InstantShot! « Projects

InstantShot! « Projects (Mac only)

InstantShot! offers classical screenshot functionality for capturing the whole screen, a portion of it or a window and also the option to make timed screenshots or to make delayed captures over time. It offers a wide range of preferences and options to fit everyone's needs.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I Will (as a teacher)

I Will (as a teacher): "I will communicate with educational leaders and experts using email – you will try to remember the advice of the instructor in your college methods class from 1980."

Another great posting from Doug Johnson!

Why We Use Macs

Why We Use Macs

Very interesting posting!

Changing how we teach copyright Pt 1

Changing how we teach copyright Pt 1: "a rational, ethical and legally-defensible way' of how educators should change their approach to both using and teaching about intellectual property, especially copyrighted work."

There is a link to part 2 as well.

By the way, this is a great site and Doug has some very good information posted. Wander around his site!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Using Blogs to Promote Authentic Learning in the Classroom

Transitioning to Web 2.0: Using Blogs to Promote Authentic Learning in the Classroom

JBlack posts some wonderful esources for those educators wishing to learn more about blogging for themselves and/or their students.

Web 2.0 is the Future of Education

Web 2.0 is the Future of Education from Steve Hargadon at "Yesterday Steve Hargadon published an article entitled “Web 2.0 is the Future of Education” that every educator should read. Here are a couple of excerpts”

4 Things Good Teachers do to Get Students REALLY Involved in Projects

4 Things Good Teachers do to Get Students REALLY Involved in Projects at

"Almost all of the students in classrooms K-12, and a large percentage of students in colleges are ‘digital natives,’ or students who grew up with ubiquitous access to digital media Writers-Strike-Hurts-LA-Economy . These are those who can’t remember a time without e-mail and the internet. Because these students are intimately familiar with computers, the web, and the latest and greatest technology we can benefit by teaching them differently than students in the past… they are a new generation of learners."

Congress Goes Virtual in Online World Hearing

Congress Goes Virtual in Online World Hearing - Post I.T. - A Technology Blog From The Washington Post - (

A meeting of Congress (subcommitte) in Second Life!